All in One Stop? The Accessibility of Work Support Programs at One-Stop Centers

Publication Date: September 2003

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Abbey Frank; Hitomi Kubo; Elise Richer

Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Under the Workforce Investment Act, all local workforce areas in the U.S. are required to develop a one-stop delivery system that makes an array of federally funded employment programs available at one location.

This report is the result of interviews with 33 one-stop directors to examine the level of access to seven work support programs (Earned Income Tax Credit, subsidized child care, food stamps, publicly funded health insurance, cash assistance, child support, and transportation assistance). The report discusses the findings of the survey, innovative techniques for making work supports more accessible, and the barriers to better access.

An 8-page policy brief is available as a supplementary file.