New Data Show Most States Had TANF Caseload Increases in Last Year

Publication Date: June 2002

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy


Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


CLASP has collected new data on the TANF caseloads through March 2002 for 49 states and the District of Columbia. While caseloads in 41 states had increased between October and December 2001, the picture is less clear for the most recent quarter (January to March 2002), as 22 states reported increases and 28 states reported declines. When looking back at the year ending in March 2002, most states (34) reported caseload increases, a trend which CLASP began documenting nine months ago. More recently, however, states appear to be heading in different directions, with some reporting large increases, a few continuing to report large decreases, and many states reporting fluctuations over time.

A supplementary file includes a PDF file of spreadsheet data.