All Together Now: State Experiences in Using Community-Based Child Care to Provide Pre-Kindergarten

Publication Date: February 2005

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Joan Lombardi; Katherine Hart; Danielle Ewen; Rachel Schumacher

Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


This paper, commissioned by the Brookings Institution, studies the emergence of the mixed delivery model, in which pre-kindergarten is delivered in community-based settings and schools. It describes findings of CLASP survey of states that was undertaken to understand the policy choices, opportunities, and challenges of including community-based child care providers in their pre-kindergarten programs. Also, now available are individual detailed descriptions of each of the 29 states' responses to the CLASP survey on the state policies used to integrate pre-kindergarten into community-based child care settings.

Supplementary file: This policy brief, the fifth in the Child Care and Early Education Series, describes principal approaches to state implementation of the mixed delivery model but does not provide examples of state policies.