Linking Family Planning with Other Social Services: The Perspectives of State Family Planning Administrators

Publication Date: January 2000

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Jodie Levin-Epstein; Rutledge Q. Hutson

Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Gives a national glimpse at the types of efforts made jointly by state social service agencies and family planning agencies. Important interactions are occurring. For example, in Alaska, the family planning agency developed a curriculum that trains welfare staff to address basic reproductive health issues and make appropriate family planning referral. In Washington, the Medicaid agency contracts with local Title X agencies to have itinerant nurses provide family planning services in 75% of the states welfare offices. The 50-state review, undertaken in partnership with the State Family Planning Administrators (SFPA), explores such topics as inter-agency information dissemination, referral arrangements, staff training, and co-location of services. It identifies which states are using what vehicles for linking family planning through other agencies.

Supplementary file: Appendix.