Revisiting the Link Between Family Planning and Other Social Services

Publication Date: December 2000

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Janellen Duffy

Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Summarizes the most recent interaction between State Family Planning Agencies (SFPAs) and other state social service providers. This report updates the 1999 CLASP report, Linking Family Planning with Other Social Services. New interactions include reproductive health/family planning outreach efforts that reach low-income parents through Head Start/Early Head Start programs and employers or employment programs.

This 46-state review, conducted in partnership with the State Family Planning Administrators, describes the recent use of TANF funds for reproductive health, family planning, and teen parent purposes, some of the ways family planning agencies provide training to other social service providers, new trends in interagency collaboration, and an emerging link between family planning and employment programs.