Side-by-Side Comparison of Child Care and Early Education Provisions in Key Senate, House, and Administration Bills and Proposals

Publication Date: September 2002

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.)

Author(s): Rachel Schumacher; Jennifer Mezey; Tanya Rakpraja; Kate Irish

Research Area:

Type: Fact sheet

Coverage: United States


This document summarizes selected child care and early education provisions in current law, the Administrations Early Childhood Initiative, the TANF reauthorization bill (H.R. 4737) passed by the House, and Senate bills and proposals regarding TANF and CCDBG, including S. 2758, passed by the Senate HELP Committee on September 4, 2002. This side-by-side chart is part of a joint effort with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.