State-by-State WIA Program Participation Data, PY 2001

Publication Date: October 2003

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Abbey Frank; Hedieh Rahmanou

Research Area:

Type: Fact sheet

Coverage: United States


States were required to begin implementation of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) by July 2000 and have been continuously developing their programs since that time. Under the Act and associated regulations, states are required to collect a series of demographic and performance outcome information on each WIA participant who accesses intensive or both intensive and training services. At the completion of the program year (July-June), states are required to submit data on those participants that exited the WIA program during the year. Individual participant data are collected and reported annually to the Department of Labor through the WIASRD system. The complete WIASRD data for PY 2001 have recently become available. These tables provide state-by-state data on program participation for various groups of individuals for PY 2001.