Mobilizing the Latino Vote: Tapping the Power of the Hispanic Electorate

Publication Date: July 2002

Publisher: National Council of La Raza

Author(s): NCLR; NCLR

Research Area: Community and Economic Development

Keywords: Hispanic population; Political parties; Noncitizens; Ethnic communities

Type: Report

Coverage: United States United States


This report undertakes initial research to draw a more complete picture of Latino voters and to identify strategies to maximize their voting power. It provides background on the Latino electorate and highlights the results of recent polls to gain a better understanding of what drives Latino voters, with respect to both issues and politics. The paper also examines the untapped potential of the Latino electorate, and analyzes the factors impeding its expansion. Finally, the paper concludes with guidance regarding what policymakers, political parties, private philanthropy, and the Hispanic community itself must do to tap the power of the Latino voter.