The Self-Report of Offending Among Serious Juvenile Offenders: Cross-Gender, Cross-Ethnic/Race Measurement Equivalence

Publication Date: July 2004

Publisher: MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice (ADJJ)

Author(s): Edward P. Mulvey; Sandra H. Losoya; Michelle Little; George P. Knight

Research Area:

Keywords: Measurement equivalence; Youth offenders; Juvenile offending; Self-report of offending

Type: Report

Coverage: Pennsylvania Arizona


This article evaluates the measurement equivalence of a self-report of offending measure among female and male juveniles, as well as Hispanic, African American, and White male juveniles. The findings indicate (a) considerable functional equivalence across gender and ethnically/racially diverse groups of juvenile offenders, and (b) scalar equivalence across Hispanic and White male juvenile offenders, but (c) that researchers should be careful making either mean difference or association comparisons across genders or African American/White boys.