Public Housing Authority Waiting List Characteristics

Publication Date: January 2001

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Anne Ray

Research Area:

Keywords: public housing; Section 8; housing

Type: Report

Coverage: Florida


This report examines the characteristics of the public housing and Section 8 waiting lists of Florida's local public housing authorities. The paper addresses three topics. First, it examines the extent of waiting lists for public housing units and Section 8 vouchers, including the number of applicants on each list, the waiting time for current applicants, and whether waiting lists are open or closed to new applicants. Second, it discusses the demographic characteristics of applicants on the waiting lists, including household incomes; whether applicant households consist of families, elderly individuals, or disabled individuals; and the number of bedrooms requested. Finally, it lists the vacancy rates for public housing and utilization rates for Section 8 vouchers, with a discussion of the reason for under-occupancy.