A Risk Assessment Method for Preservation of Assisted Rental Housing

Publication Date: May 2008

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Shimberg Center for Housing Studies

Research Area:

Keywords: risk assessment; rental housing; preservation

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


Nationwide, assisted properties are disappearing from the affordable housing stock as owners convert units to market-rate rentals or condominiums and as aging properties are lost to deterioration and default. In 2006, the Shimberg Center and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation undertook a project to increase our understanding of the factors that place properties at high risk of loss and the use of data to identify these factors in properties. As part of this project, the Shimberg Center examined existing methods of assessing risks to the assisted housing stock and undertook the development of risk assessment methods to be applied to Florida properties. This paper summarizes the findings of the Shimberg Center's research and describes the resulting risk assessment method.