2004 Rental Market Study - Rental Housing Demand by Low-Income Commercial Fishing Workers

Publication Date: September 2004

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Shimberg Center for Housing Studies

Research Area:

Keywords: cost burdened; rental housing; fishing workers

Type: Report

Coverage: Florida


This section of the needs assessment discusses the demand for affordable rental housing by commercial fishing workers. Examining the 703 low-income, renter, fishing worker households deemed to be cost burdened, the study finds that: 1) most fishing worker households in Florida facing a rental housing cost burden are small, with two-thirds containing one or two persons; 2) fifty-nine percent of the cost-burdened houeholds have incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median; 3) three-quarters of cost-burdened households pay more than 50 percent of their incomes for rent; 4) cost-burdened renter households are concentrated primarily in Florida's southern coastal counties, with smaller numbers in the central coastal counties and the more sparsely populated northwestern Gulf Coast counties.