2001 Rental Market Study - Rental Housing in Florida

Publication Date: December 2001

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Shimberg Center for Housing Studies

Research Area:

Keywords: LIHTC; housing; rental

Type: Report

Coverage: Florida


This report provides information about Florida's overall rental housing stock, the subsidized housing available in the state, and the characteristics of households in need of affordable rental housing. The report contains the following sections: 1) a summary of key findings; 2) a discussion of the cost burdened renter households in Florida counties; 3) a comparison of Florida Housing Finance Corporation supported housing inventory to renter households in Florida counties; 5) a comparison of the demand for subsidized rental housing to the supply of such housing; 6) characteristics of Florida's market rate multi-family housing stock, based on a survey of apartment owners and managers; 7) a discussion of the methodology underlying the various sections of the report; and 8) a list of conclusions based on data presented in the report.