Inclusionary Housing: A Discussion of Policy Issues

Publication Date: June 2001

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Anne Ray

Research Area:

Keywords: Alachua; inclusionary housing; affordable

Type: Report

Coverage: Florida


Inclusionary housing policies promote the production of affordable housing in a local jurisdiction either by requiring that all new housing developments include a percentage of affordable units or by providing incentives to developers for voluntary inclusion of affordable units. Inclusionary housing policies have two social opbjectives: to increase the local supply of affordable housing and to disperse affordable housing units throughout a community in order to avoid pockets of low-income units. This report provdes an overview of inclusionary housing, highlights the elements needed to make inclusionary housing successful, outlines specific elements of an inclusionary housing ordinance, and offers suggestions on the policy's applicability to Alachua County, Florida.