Welcome to MacArthur Foundation Research Directory

The MacArthur Foundation has a long history of supporting research, and we are pleased that users will be able to access this extensive body of work through the MacArthur Research Directory on PolicyArchive. Documents in this directory span a wide range of subjects, and include both policy and academic research arising from the Foundation.s grant making strategies and research networks.

Currently there are 1696 research items in the directory. Research will be continuously uploaded to this Directory. For additional information about the MacArthur Foundation, please visit www.macfound.org

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SSI and Child Support Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center for Law and Social Policy; Research Area:
House Budget Committee’s Discretionary Spending Cap Proposal Represents Unsound Policy Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
More Than One Million Of The Unemployed Have Now Been Denied Aid Due To End Of Federal Program Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Administration Seeks Deep Cuts In Housing Vouchers and Conversion of Program to a Block Grant Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Sources and Methods Used to Estimate Impact of Housing Voucher Proposals in Administration’s Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
House Budget Committee Adopts Severe Five-Year Caps On Discretionary Programs Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Is the Superwaiver the Only Way? Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
“Superwaiver” Provision in House TANF Reauthorization Bill Could Significantly Weaken Public Housing, Food Stamps, and Other Low-Income Programs Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
"Family Self-Sufficiency" Program Imperiled By HUD's Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Request Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Too Good To Be True: Tax Cuts Do Not Pay For Themselves Publication Date: March 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area: