Welcome to MacArthur Foundation Research Directory

The MacArthur Foundation has a long history of supporting research, and we are pleased that users will be able to access this extensive body of work through the MacArthur Research Directory on PolicyArchive. Documents in this directory span a wide range of subjects, and include both policy and academic research arising from the Foundation.s grant making strategies and research networks.

Currently there are 1696 research items in the directory. Research will be continuously uploaded to this Directory. For additional information about the MacArthur Foundation, please visit www.macfound.org

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War And Anti-Terrorism Spending Or Rampant Growth In Domestic Programs: What Has Caused the Large Increases in Appropriations Bills Since 2001? Publication Date: February 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.); Research Area:
Housing Needs and Household Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities in Florida: An Analysis of 2000 Census Data Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida Research Area:
The Long and Winding Road: Head Start Reauthorization So Far Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center for Law and Social Policy Research Area:
The President's Proposal To Make Tax Cuts Permanent: $2.2 Trillion Cost Poses Danger To Economy In The Long Run Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Recent Welfare Reform Research Findings: Implications for TANF Reauthorization and State TANF Policies Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
New Food Stamp Outreach Opportunity: Medicare Discount Drug Card Offers An Opportunity To Expand Food Stamp Enrollment Among The Elderly And People With Disabilities Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Will Taxing Additional Services Hurt Iowa’s Economy? Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Head Start Comprehensive Services: A Key Support for Early Learning for Poor Children Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center for Law and Social Policy Research Area:
CBO Data Confirm That Extending Tax Cuts Would More Than Double The Size Of Its Own Official Deficit Projections Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
CBO Figures Indicate Lower Revenues, Not Higher Spending, Account For The Large Deficit Publication Date: January 2004 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area: