Welcome to MacArthur Foundation Research Directory

The MacArthur Foundation has a long history of supporting research, and we are pleased that users will be able to access this extensive body of work through the MacArthur Research Directory on PolicyArchive. Documents in this directory span a wide range of subjects, and include both policy and academic research arising from the Foundation.s grant making strategies and research networks.

Currently there are 1696 research items in the directory. Research will be continuously uploaded to this Directory. For additional information about the MacArthur Foundation, please visit www.macfound.org

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Tax Policy Center Estimates Show Fewer Than 60% of Working Households Benefit Fully From President’s Tax Rebate Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.); Research Area:
New Zandi Analysis Finds Rebates More Effective as Stimulus if They Include Lower-Income Workers: Food Stamps and Unemployment Benefits Get the Highest Ratings Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Fixing the Tax System: Support Fairer, Simpler, and More Adequate Taxation Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Research Area:
If, When, How: A Primer on Fiscal Stimulus Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Research Area:
Economic Policy in a Weakening Economy: Principles for Fiscal Stimulus Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area: US Fiscal Future
Not if Exports Save Us Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Research Area:
Another Misdiagnosis: Marginal Rate Reductions and Extensions of Tax Cuts Expiring in 2010 Not the Right Medicine for the Economy’s Current Ills Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Effective Tax Rates for Different Kinds of Households Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Research Area:
Description of Provisions in Nutrition Title of Senate Farm Bill Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area:
Comparison of Nutrition Provisions in House- and Senate-Passed Farm Bills Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Washington, D.C.) Research Area: