Markle Special Collections

The Markle Foundation is pleased to share its documents with all those interested in finding ways of addressing critical public needs in the information age.

The documents in this archive cover a wide variety of subjects, all focusing on the intersection of policy and information technology. In the last few years, the Markle Foundation has focused mainly on using information and technology to improve health and enhance national security. Other areas Markle has addressed in the past include information technology for development, children and interactive media, and Internet governance.

We are committed to sharing our findings and expanding this collection on an ongoing basis. Please visit the collection regularly for access to our latest reports and publications.

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Partnering with Parents to Promote the Healthy Development of Young Children Enrolled in Medicaid Publication Date: June 2001 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability; Research Area: FACCT
The Public Voice, Legitimacy, and ICANN: Interim Report of the NGO and Academic ICANN Study Publication Date: June 2001 Publisher(s): NGO and Academic ICANN Study (Project) Research Area: Internet Governance
Promoting Healthy Development Survey (PHDS) 2000 Results, Washington State Publication Date: January 2001 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Research Area: FACCT
A Portrait of Adolescents in America, 2001 Publication Date: January 2001 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability The Child and Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI) Research Area: FACCT
Consumers and Quality — What Do They Want? What Do They Know? Publication Date: January 2001 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Research Area: FACCT
A Portrait of the Chronically Ill in America, 2001 Publication Date: January 2001 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Research Area: FACCT
Thoughts on Consumer-centered Health Care Reform Publication Date: October 2000 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Research Area: FACCT
RWJF National Strategic Indicators Survey: RWJF Priority and Program Area Performance Indicators Summary Report Publication Date: September 2000 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Research Area: FACCT
Patient-centered Care Measures for the National Health Care Quality Report Publication Date: May 2000 Publisher(s): FACCT - The Foundation for Accountability Research Area: FACCT
Children and Interactive Media: A Compendium of Current Research and Directions for the Future Publication Date: May 2000 Publisher(s): John and Mary R. Markle Foundation Research Area: Children and Interactive Media