,,,Finding Our Way: Debating American Grand Strategy

Finding Our Way: Debating American Grand Strategy


Publication Date: June 2008

Publisher: Center for a New American Security

Author(s): Robert J. Art; G. John Ikenberry; Frederick W. Kagan; Barry R. Posen

Research Area: Military and defense

Keywords: American interests; Presidential transition; National security

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


In light of the daunting strategic inheritance the next President will face, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), inspired by Eisenhower's Solarium effort, commissioned five authors to write their best case for what America's grand strategy in the early 21st century should be. CNAS then convened a well attended conference in early 2008 at which authors and attendees engaged in a robust debate over the papers and positions taken. This report is a result of this process. Revised papers from the commissioned authors are included along with a new strategy paper by CNAS authors that was informed, in part, by the papers and the conference.