,,,Outreach Families in the Sacred Common: Congregational Responses to Interfaith Issues

Outreach Families in the Sacred Common: Congregational Responses to Interfaith Issues


Publication Date: November 2001

Publisher: Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies; Commission on Reform Jewish Outreach

Author(s): Fern Chertok; Amy L. Sales; Mark I. Rosen; Leonard Saxe

Research Area: Culture and religion

Keywords: Intermarriage; Family; Jewish Outreach; Reform Judaism

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


A qualitative study conducted to understand the engagement of interfaith and conversionary families in synagogue life within the Reform Movement. Site visits and comprehensive informant interviews were conducted at six different North American congregations. Themes emerged regarding the impact of congregational outreach efforts, Jewish education, and the multiple roles of Rabbis in the integration and involvement of interfaith and conversionary synagogue families. Data also revealed patterns specific to small congregations.