An Agenda for the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress: Ten Ways the Federal Government Can Restore Economic Vitality and Increase Competitiveness Through Education and Skill Development


Publication Date: November 2008

Publisher: Jobs for the Future, Inc.


Research Area: Economics; Education; Labor

Keywords: workforce policy; economy; Obama; education policy

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


In January 2009, President-elect Barack Obama and the 111th Congress took office. They serve at a time when our country faces unparalleled economic and social challenges. Yet this is also a moment of historic opportunity, when good investments in our country's human capital can help put the country on the road to strong recovery and long-term well being.

In An Agenda for the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress, JFF makes 10 recommendations for addressing two pressing national challenges: the call for economic recovery and growth and the need for more equitable economic and educational opportunity for less-skilled and low-income young people and adults.

For 25 years, JFF has developed promising education and labor-market models, expanded successful models in communities across the country, and helped shape the policy environment that enables American families and companies to compete in a global economy. JFF's policy agenda is informed by the lessons and successes we've experienced on the ground. We believe the Obama Administration and members of Congress will find the recommendations useful as they develop plans and programs to promote greater long-term economic success for all our communities.