,Design Principles for 21st Century Jewish Education: A Response

Design Principles for 21st Century Jewish Education: A Response


Publication Date: June 2007

Publisher: Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education

Author(s): Jeffrey Lasday; Iris Petroff

Research Area: Culture and religion; Education

Keywords: Jewish Education; Family; Identity Formation; Communal Organization

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


Petroff and Lasday respond to "Design Principles for 21st Century Jewish Education," an article published in the Summer 2007 edition of Jewish Education News. This article is an excerpt from the working paper, "Redesigning Jewish Education for the 21st Century," published by JESNA. They commend this forward-looking article but also raise certain questions and concerns. Their primary recommendation is that the Jewish community uses what it knows about family education in order to advance from program-based learning to an evolving process that will support all family members as well as the wider community.