,,,,Criminal Careers of Serious Delinquents in Two Cities

Criminal Careers of Serious Delinquents in Two Cities


Publication Date: July 2004

Publisher: MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice (ADJJ)

Author(s): Laurence Steinberg; Carol A. Schubert; Alex R. Piquero; Jeffrey Fagan; Robert Brame

Research Area: Social conditions

Keywords: Longitudinal analysis; Juvenile offenders; Criminal behavior; Measurement

Type: Report

Coverage: Pennsylvania Arizona


Because different methods for studying criminal behavior all suffer from important limitations, it is useful to apply different methodologies to the same population whenever possible. In this analysis, we examine the relationships between self-report and official record-based measures of offending activity using populations of adolescent serious offenders in Phoenix, Arizona, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.