Affordable Housing Preservation: Building a National Data Infrastructure


Publication Date: April 2007

Publisher: Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Author(s): Anne Ray

Research Area: Social conditions

Keywords: data; preservation; housing

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


The Shimberg Center and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation have launched an initiative to improve data collection and analysis related to the preservation of assisted rental housing. As a first step, the Shimberg Center conducted research into the current state of preservation-related data collection throughout the country. Through survey of 67 housing-related organizations and in-depth interviews with 18 preservation experts, we examined what data are being collected and by whom; the data elements that those involved in preservation feel should be collected; the gaps between the ideal data set and actual data collection; and how these gaps could be bridged. This report includes the survey results, data organization, suggestions for building a national preservation data infrastructure, and recommendations and areas for further discussion.