,Continuing Provider Education on Obesity: A Panel Review of Existing Programs

Continuing Provider Education on Obesity: A Panel Review of Existing Programs


Publication Date:

Publisher: College of Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR

Author(s): College of Public Health; University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Research Area: Health

Type: Report


Obesity rates have increased dramatically among both adults and children over the past few decades. If provided with the proper knowledge and skills, primary health care providers may be effective in helping to reduce obesity rates. In an effort to identify and to evaluate existing continuing medical education (CME) and continuing education (CE) programs that address obesity for primary care providers, 12 programs were identified for review by a national expert panel. The programs were reviewed in regard to seven areas: 1) nutrition; 2) physical activity; 3) behavior change; 4) educational value; 5) practicality for use in provider settings; 6) evidence of efficacy and 7) overall value. The report summarizes the methods used in this review, general observations and features of an ideal obesity CME/CE program determined by expert panel members. An executive summary of the findings of this report is attached below.