Information Technology and Primary Care


Publication Date: September 2006

Publisher: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Author(s): G.T. Moore

Research Area: Health

Type: White Paper


Gordon T. Moore, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Pioneer Portfolio in 2005 to examine the role of information technology—specifically electronic medical records—in the primary care setting. This discussion paper summarizes a meeting of information technology and practice systems experts, devoted to exploring how information technology might contribute to an optimized model of primary care to transform the delivery of patient care.

An objective of the workshop was to develop a formulation that incorporates the patient, information technology and professional functions into a new, optimized system of care across multiple problems and over the life history of a patient. According to Moore, the primary care system should be designed through a combination of manpower and “smart” information technology so that caregivers and patients can achieve the greatest health benefit at the lowest cost.