Older Americans Act: Programs and Funding


Publication Date: August 2000

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions



The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the major vehicle for the delivery of social and nutrition services for older persons. Originally enacted in 1965, the Act supports a wide range of services for older persons, a community service employment program, and research, training, and demonstration activities, among other programs. Authorization of appropriations for the Act expired at the end of FY1995. Its programs have continued to be funded by appropriation laws.1 For FY2000, $1.507 billion was appropriated for OAA programs administered by the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture.

The Administration proposed $1.668 billion for FY2001, an increase of 10.7% over FY2000 appropriations. The major part of this increase would be $125 million for caregiver support services. The House has approved $1.530 billion for FY2001 for Older Americans Act programs; the Senate has approved $1.529 billion. This report will be updated as legislative activity occurs.