Albania: Country Background Report


Publication Date: June 2000

Publisher: Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service


Research Area: Government



Albania has avoided direct involvement in neighboring Balkan wars, but continues to seek political stability and economic recovery. In 1998 and 1999, Albania was on the front line of the Kosovo crisis that culminated in the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia. Over 400,000 Kosovar Albanian refugees flooded across the border into Albania, though most have since returned to Kosovo under an international protectorate. Albania strongly supported the NATO operation and seeks closer integration with the alliance and with the European Union. In early 1997, Albania went through a major financial and social crisis that brought down the Democratic Party-led government. Elections held in June 1997 brought the Socialist Party to power. In 1999, fierce rivals Fatos Nano of the Socialist Party and Sali Berisha of the Democratic Party resumed chairmanships of their respective parties. After one year in office, Prime Minister Pandeli Majko resigned on October 26, 1999, and was replaced by another Socialist Party member, Ilir Meta. Some observers expect that early elections may be held before their June 2001 scheduled date. This report discusses the background and status of these and other issues concerning Albania. It may be updated as events warrant.